Thursday, September 1, 2016

Nos. of hours of sleep per day require?

Hello Friends,

These days, I am experiencing something new in me which helped me to transform to a new LIFE. So, I thought to share this with you.

These year 2014, I made a resolution that I will start Surya Namaskar and keep growing daily and reach upto 108 count by end of this year. I started with 20 counts on first day. Through out the day, I felt very rejuvenating and energize. Through the week, I continued with 20 counts. I started seeing me from inside and felt that I am transforming from one phase of life to another phase of life (full of enthusiasm and blissfulness).

As the week pass by, My Surya Namaskar counts were increasing. Day by day, I was transforming. These help me to decrease by sleeping hours from 8 hours to 7.5 hours and then the another month my sleep hours decrease from 7.5 hours to 7 hours.

Mode of action of Yoga on Mind / Intellect / Nervous System

Mode of action of Yoga

Due to short-term memory loss, the individual faces many problems and overall poor performance in work. Yoga can help humanity in a major way by making individuals overcome the challenges posed by loss of memory. An integrated approach to Yoga is necessary for the holistic development of memory. Tadasana develops physical and mental balance. Tiryak Tadasana balances the body as well as the mind. [24]Vrukshasana gives sense of balance and poise. Virabhadrasana develops concentration power. Trikonasana stimulates the nervous system and alleviates nervous depression. Kapalabhati energizes the mind for mental work and removes sleepiness, [25] thus brings about alertness needed for the improvement of short-term memory. While performing Anuloma-Viloma, breathing through the left nostril tends to activate the right hemisphere and breathing through the right nostril activates the left hemisphere. It has calming effect and relieves anxiety, improves concentration, and stimulates Ajna cakra. The brain centers are stimulated to work nearer to their optimum capacity. Bhramari relieves stress and cerebral tension, and thus helps in alleviating anger, anxiety, and insomnia. Omkar Dhyana produces benefits at many levels of life. It simultaneously influences body, emotions, mental functioning, and relationships. Meditation also improves brain functioning, enhances the ability to focus, improves perception and memory, promotes development of intelligence, decreases craving for cigarette, alcohol, and drug abuse, along with decreasing the withdrawal symptoms, induces relaxation, and decreases stress. Meditation is an inherent ability of the human body. Meditation is an activity whereby the nervous system, brain, and senses get tuned themselves for best functioning. During meditation, the concentration on different Cakras like on Muladhara Cakra enhances health and VidyaManipura Cakra enhances Vidya and capacity, and on Vishudha Cakra brings about improvement in speech and knowledge. The Satvasarata state leads to excellence of memory; this state can be brought about by the regular practice of Yoga, so as to improve short-term memory.